Trening/obuka “Rodno budžetiranje”

Trening/obuka “Rodno budžetiranje”

Training ′′Gender budgeting′′
Association for the development of civil society from Bijelo Polje, 17.-18. april in Kolasin, Montenegro, training ′′Gender budgeting′′ has been implemented.
Mirsala Tomic, the coordinator of the project, said that the goal of organizing training was to strengthen the capacity of decision makers in three northern municipalities to take special measures to achieve gender equality through the introduction of gender budgeting into local self-government. Also, during two-day training, budget users gained knowledge and skills to apply gender budgeting, developed a methodology for local gender budget initiatives to conduct the same in selected municipalities that will cooperate with local authorities, non-governmental organizations and in accordance with the prepared methodology aim to increase incentives for economic empowerment of women in the countryside, as a pilot of the initiative, which can be applied in all sectors.
The target group were participants, recognized persons from communities who are decision makers: representatives of local government and local governments, councilors, representatives of the finance, political parties, institutions, institutions, institutions, media, tourist organizations , women entrepreneurs, unemployed women, NGOs, from Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac and Plav. Senada Cikotic, representative of the Ministry of Justice, Human Rights and Minority attended the training. During the training, participants with the help of an expert for gender equality, Slavica Strikovic, coaches, through theoretical and practical work in groups, with the selection and application of the most adequate methods and instruments, they came up with an idea and worked on preparing three pilot Initiatives, which are based on local to the needs and they are realistic.
In the next period of a month, participants from three northern municipalities, Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac and Plav, along with the mentorship of an expert through the consultative process will work in three groups, according to municipalities from which they come, on the analysis of the current situation, which includes analysis of the needs, contacting relevant entities and stakeholders to prepare and create initiatives that will be directed to the authorities in three northern municipalities that aim to contribute to the implementation of gender equality.
The activity was carried out within the project ′′Strengthening the gender perspective at the local level”. The project is financially supported by the Ministry of Justice, Human and Minority rights to the Public Competition for the distribution of funds for project financing, or programs of non-governmental organizations in the field of gender equality ′′For a stronger society from the angle of gender equality”.
The aim of the project is to contribute to the implementation of gender equality policies.
The project is being implemented in three northern municipalities in: Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac and Plav, within eight months.
Training ′′Gender Budgeting′′

Training ′′Gender Budgeting′′

The Association for the Development of Civil Society based in Bijelo Polje, 17.- 18.04.2021. implemented training ′′Gender Budgeting′′ in Kolasin.
The goal of organizing training was to strengthen the capacity of decision makers in three northern municipalities to take special measures to achieve gender equality through the introduction of gender budgeting into local self-government. Also, the goal was to train budget users and users for the implementation of gender budgeting, develop a methodology for local gender initiatives to implement the same municipalities that, in cooperation with local authorities, non-governmental organizations and in accordance with the prepared methodology, aim to increase encouragement for economic empowerment of women in the countryside, as an initiative pilot, which can be applied in all sectors.
The target group were participants, recognized persons from communities who are decision makers: experts in local parliaments in three northern municipalities, representatives of local self-government and local government, secretariates, political parties, institutions, education institutions, culture, media, media, tourist organizations, women entrepreneurs, unemployed women, NGOs, from Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac and Plav.
During the training, participants and participants with the help of a trainer, gender equality expert Slavica Striković, through theoretical and practical work in groups and with the selection and application of the most adequate methods and instruments, they came up with an idea and worked on preparing three pilot initiatives, which are based on local needs and they are achievable.
In the next period of a month, training participants from three northern municipalities, Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac and Plav, along with expert mentoring through the consultative process, will work in three groups, according to municipalities from which they come, on the analysis of the current state, which includes analysis of needs, contacting relevant entities and stakeholders to prepare and create initiatives that will be directed to the authorities in three northern municipalities that aim to contribute to the implementation of gender equality.
The activity was implemented within the project ′′ Strengthening gender perspective at the local level “. The project is supported by the Ministry of Justice, Human and Minority Rights to distribute funds for project funding, or the NGOs programs in the field of gender equality ′′ For a stronger society the corner of gender equality “.
The aim of the project is to contribute to the implementation of gender equality policies.
The project is being implemented in three northern municipalities in Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac and Plav within eight months.
Trening/obuka “Rodno budžetiranje”

Trening/obuka “Rodno budžetiranje”

Udruženje za razvoj civilnog društva sa sjedištem u Bijelom Polju, 17.-18.04.2021. godine, realizovalo je u Kolašinu trening/obuku “Rodno budžetiranje”.
Cilj organizovanja treninga/obuke bio je jačanje kapaciteta donosioca odluka u tri sjeverne opštine za preduzimanje posebnih mjera za postizanje rodne ravnopravnosti kroz uvođenje rodnog budžetiranja u lokalne samouprave. Takođe, cilj je bio obučiti budžetske korisnike i korisnice za primjenu rodnog budžetiranja, razviti metodologiju za lokalne rodne budžetske inicijative kako bi se iste sprovele u odabranim opštinama koje će u saradnji sa lokalnim organima vlasti, nevladinim organizacijama i u skladu sa pripremljenom metodologijom ciljati na povećanje podsticaja za ekonomsko osnaživanje žena na selu, kao pilot inicijative, a koje se mogu primjenjivati u svim sektorima.
Ciljna grupa bili su učesnici, prepoznate osobe iz zajednica koje su donosioci odluka: odbornici/ce u lokalnim parlamentima u tri sjeverne opštine, predstavnice organa lokalne samouprave i lokalne uprave, sekretarijata, političkih partija, institucija, ustanova iz oblasti obrazovanja, kulture, medija, turističkih organizacija, žene preduzetnice, nezaposlene žene, NVO-a, iz Bijelog Polja, Mojkovca i Plava.
Tokom obuke učesnici i učesnice uz pomoć trenerice, expertinje za rodnu ravnopravnost Slavice Striković, kroz teorijski i praktičan rad u grupama i uz odabir i primjenu najadekvatnijih metodologija i instrumenata, osmislili su ideju i radili na pripremi tri pilot Inicijative, koje su zasnovane na lokalnim potrebama i ostvarive su.
U narednom periodu od mjesec dana, polaznice/i obuke iz tri sjeverne opštine, Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac i Plav, uz mentorstvo stručnjakinje kroz konsultativni proces radiće u tri grupe, po opštinama iz koje dolaze, na analizi trenutnog stanja, koja uključuje analizu potreba, kontaktiranje relevantnih subjekata i zainteresovanih strana kako bi se pripremile i izradile Inicijative koje će biti upućene nadležnima u tri sjeverne opštine, a koje imaju za cilj doprinos primjeni rodne ravnopravnosti.
Aktivnost je realizovana u okviru projekta ”Jačanje rodne perspektive na lokalnom nivou”. Projekat je podržan od Ministarstva pravde, ljudskih i manjinskih prava na Javni konkurs za raspodjelu sredstava za finansiranje projekata, odnosno programa nevladinih organizacija u oblasti Rodna ravnopravnost “Za snažnije društvo iz ugla rodne jednakosti”.
Cilj projekta je doprinos implementaciji politika rodne ravnopravnosti.
Projekat se realizuje u tri sjeverne opštine u Bijelom Polju, Mojkovcu i Plavu u periodu od osam mjeseci.